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 Traditional music concert celebrates capital

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Traditional music concert celebrates capital Empty
PostSubject: Traditional music concert celebrates capital   Traditional music concert celebrates capital Icon_minitimeFri Oct 15, 2010 1:29 pm

Traditional music concert celebrates capital
The Viet Nam Traditional Orchestra will join in the nation-wide celebration with a performance at the Ha Noi Opera House.
The orchestra will play Rong Bay Khai Nhac (Soaring Dragon Opening Music Festival), a new piece composed by the Vietnamese conductor Nguyen Thien Dao in honour of the 1,000th anniversary of Ha Noi. The work will be conducted by Dao along with Hong Thai and Ngoc Khoi.
“Rong Bay Khai Nhac was composed with all my passion for Vietnamese traditional music and instruments,” said Dao. The Paris-based conductor is a household name in both Viet Nam and France. A brilliant musician, Dao studied under Olivier Messiaen at the Conservatoire de Paris, where he graduated at the top of his class in 1968. He has received numerous international awards including the Andre Caplet Award, the Olivier Messiaen Award for Music Composition from the Foundation Eramus de Holland and the Chevalier des Artist et de Lettres du Government Francais from the French government.
Traditional music concert celebrates capital Traditional-music-concert
Throughout his career, Dao has composed more than 80 musical works that have been performed around the world and extensively in Europe.
The traditional orchestra was established in 2009 from a traditional instrument troupe at the Viet Nam National Academy of Music, and has performed in many important events across the country, including national receptions, international conferences, and international music festivals.
A great work of nha nhac (ritual and ceremonial music) played with war drums and clarinets will open the concert. Other performances include dan bau, (monochord) solo; dan tranh (16-ch ord zither); and other bamboo instruments.
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