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 Thang Long citadel to be considered for UNESCO recognition

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Thang Long citadel to be considered for UNESCO recognition Empty
PostSubject: Thang Long citadel to be considered for UNESCO recognition   Thang Long citadel to be considered for UNESCO recognition Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 8:02 pm

Thang Long citadel to be considered for UNESCO recognition
The World Heritage Committee will consider the request for the inscription of the Thang Long Royal Citadel on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage sites when it convents its 34 th session in Brazil from July 25 to August 3.
According to a recent press release from UNESCO, at the meeting, 35 members of the World Heritage Convention will submit a list of sites for recognition.
Among 32 newly-submitted sites are six natural, 24 cultural and two natural-cultural heritage sites.Vietnam tour with your own new, personalized itineraries.
The committee will also evaluate the preservation of 31 recognised world heritage sites which are now in danger of being lost and consider adding new sites to the list.
Currently, the world heritage list comprises 890 sites, of which 689 are recognised for their cultural value, 176 for their natural value and 25 for their natural-cultural value to the world’s heritage.
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Thang Long citadel to be considered for UNESCO recognition
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